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  • Report MrPVPer on behalf of Mathijs13 [Pulch | Lack of evidence]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by 5Shyam100, Jan 4, 2016.

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    1. 5Shyam100

      5Shyam100 Active Member

      Dec 12, 2015
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      Hello Im reporting a player on behalf of my friend Mathijs13 Who has recently got scammed by MrPvper on Skyblock

      The scam took place when a deal was made with both players

      So Mrpvper was going to buy titan in exchange for Mathijs13 island however when Mathijs13 passed his island ownership to MrPvper he was not given a rank upgrade.

      All Mathijs13 wants is his island back

      Thanks your Sincerely

      Shyam P & Mathijs13

      The screenshots can not be uploaded for some reason if a moderator can contact me for the pictures it would help
    2. TADS

      TADS Guest

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