As by the title theres a glitch for me for 3 days. If u can see if I place something into this part of my pv in kitpvp it just goes away. Is this just for me or for you guys too?I've lost very precious stuff.
There is also a glitch that stops you from being able to open your vault, echests and normal chests, until you use an ender pearl. @Pile @TannerLittle @Matt
Idk why this is happening to you I just tested this on multiple accounts and this glitch hasnt happend to any of them :/
It's caused by the plugin which patches the duping exploit with PlayerVaults. Are you sure they weren't gapples? There's currently a plugin that wipes them from inventories and such. It's there to help rebalance the server after there were a ton duped in.
I think its so when people quickly use a key (mostly right click) to move an item to their PV with the pearl glitch, it's so they dont dupe!