Your ingame name:badman168 The offender's ingame name:st4bbi A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: The offender st4bbi was hacking using aimbot so he could get kills as other players were running at him, he was also auto logging out so when i trapped him in the corner he logged as he was about to die and still had his stuff. he killed me using aimbot in a corner and I thought that was unfair cause i have nothing else just the stuff he took. Evidence/screenshots. I have no evidence but i have witnesses that might do. (m00_ima_fish,sciberboy,herobine,glassan99) Possible rules that could be in question include but are not limited to: I was also wondering if i could get my stuff back i know all the names to the items i have lost my axe name : can I axe you a question in bubbles my sword name : ._.'nife to meet you'._. helm: m00_ chestplate: Ima_ leggins: Fish_ boots: m00_ima_fish :3 please may i have these items back . Disrespect Flaming Cursing Advertising hacking <<<
Sorry without any evidence nothing can be done. I hope you understand but too many people lie in this game and we cannot take anyone's word for it. Once again sorry. :(