Your ingame name:jerry1281 The offender's ingame name:seb A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:scamming Evidence/screenshots.
This doesn't prove a thing All this shows is that you paid me 10k for a diamond guard sword which I did give you come back with some real proof that I didn't give you the sword k? k
Ok I have a few problems with this video. First, it does not show the trade nor sebiathan anywhere nor the original deal that was discussed. Second, you are showing chat from who knows how long back as you are scrolling quite a bit through the chat box which leaves plenty of time for you to have possibly taken the sword and put it in an enderchest and warped back to free (if this is where the deal took place). Honestly for me there is not enough evidence as the actual deal was not recorded and there is just you showing the chat with a lot of time for you to hide the sword. I will discuss this with another mod.
Another mod has agreed with me. There is not enough evidence. In the future I would advise recording you both agreeing on the deal, record the actual trade and then report if there is foul play. I am sorry.