Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: Fruit1k A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Ok so I know that bullying isn't agaisn't the rules on mineverse, which is retarded, but there's this kid called Fruit1k that is bullying my friend Jujurocks. So she took a screenshot of something he sent to her when they were friend just to make fun of him, i told fruit1k to stop but she ignored me. Juju also messaged me some very bad thing. I tried to make her stop, but it didn't work. So could you please tell her to stop. Evidence/screenshots. the screenshot : My conversation with juju: @PandaBear__ @bananaman11223 @larrythebird101 @Alex @canucksfan44 Tagging mature moderator because i dont want skids to handle this.
Hi and apologies for the long wait. Sadly things over skype we have no control over as hard to rely on as for fruit she will be muted for their actions as this mostly comes under disrespect, if this happens again, report it and a further and harsher punishment will be administered to the player, mostly likely a ban/tempban. Closing.