Have you ever used Xenforo mate?. Its not a easy website to get use to. I'm having trouble using it even. Please be respectful to others and staff users. Thanks.
Actually, I've been reading "TOOOOO" many dictionary's. Next time you try to trash talk me "kid" get your facts right.
No comment back thanks (any reply after this with my name will be deleted). Do you always talk to people like this if you were to talk crap. Don't forget, think before you say mate. I hope you enjoy your day and good bye.(Talking to staff in bad behaviour will put your rep down alot) -Jav
I would like to add information... @3yerrt You banned me for saying you hacking.. but on Op PvP it does not show the full text so your thinking you know all oh yeah he said "F***ing scrub" to me thats an instant ban i actually said "Hacking Scrub" but you thought it was "F***ing Scrub" so you banned me which was not a ban at all if you read rules on servers and know what a good moderator is you would invest into it more. Also if your not sure ask another Staff/Member if i report someone for actually swearing with the words uncovered they get a warning so i do not understand why you deserve to just get them instant banned if they said it to you. i have seen a lot of reports on you. Forums, In-Game lots so i suggesting pick up your game or CypriotMerks is going to de-op you and as i said i might email CypriotMerks to see what is going to happen.. i have received this in my email that you had said this to another Member you have done so much abuse !! i do not know why you got Moderator in the first place. but h'mm i suggesting go check this out ! http://gyazo.com/b6c1f713e7e22eb0f99a42e6455df44c i got sent that picture so i do not know what you said it for or the reasons. Also calling someone a "Fag" is offensive coming from a Moderator that's just a shame and i think that's over the top that deserves to be a De-op it's absolutely disgusting for doing that. I do not know why you would become a Moderator and say that to someone... But best in luck for you to keep [Mod] back i highly doubt you will have it for much longer.. but goodluck
I unbanned you, so why are you bringing up this when the report against me was resolved and you were unbanned?
Ok, that picture is obviously fake. I have never said that in my life. Why don't you show the whole screenshot instead of just a little snippet? $100 says someone was fake messaging as me to make me look nasty. When exactly did I call you a "fag?" I haven't called anyone a fag at all.