1. Topmass22 2. @3yerrt 3. Where I did censor my language and said @PopIs_MyLife, don't pull a f***ing Grayson. And I'd like to see where I broke the rules to be exact. @Ducky @Chloyybear4ever
This happened over 2 weeks ago when I was still relatively new to moderating. After I had given you the warning the other staff members told me that. because it's censored, I can't give out warning points for that. At the time I did not realize that as I had only been moderating for 10 days. Why are you reporting me 17 days later rather then at the time of the incident?
Because I chose not to. You were relatively new then, so I decided not to report you. After banning Vampiric, I thought it was time to report you.
I banned him for a valid reason. You are not allowed to post in a report that does not concern you. I banned all the people that had commented on it and had started a flame war, However, I didn't ban the player that the report was directed at. I'm not abusing at all, I'm doing my job.
As I said, I was new, I didn't realize that I couldn't warn players for that, and I was reprimanded by the other mods. If you think I abused (Which I did but I was unaware of it at the time) why didn't you report me at the time?
Not necessarily, I'm still learning as we speak. Firo, Sco and other mods have been giving me, Alexa and Yin constant tips and have been telling us that something we might have done is abuse. We're still learning, and we wont stop.
I'd like to add to this report as I know that 3yerrt is an extremely abusive moderator. Does he remove the warning point? Nope. He did the exact same thing to @Chloyybear4ever , 3yerrt if you want to be a moderator then stop being so ABUSING. Before you warn someone actually know what you're warning them for and P.S Don't be a racist just because I'm Australian.
I did remove the warning point. I did not realize that a "fag" was a Cigarette, therefor, I applied warning points. I did remove them when you told me that a "Fag" was indeed a cigarette. How is me saying that Australian's always use that word, racist?
Oh sorry, it's more "offensive" then "racist". Telling me that Australians use the term "fags" in an offensive way. I usually just use it to notice a bunch of sticks. Just let it out, you're a horrible person. I bet you call people "fags" all the time in real life which leads you to automatically assuming that everyone in Australia uses it JUST like you do.
@Ducky, hmm, clearly it's false if he's removed the warning point immediately after you explained "fags" to him. I still don't see how that's abusive. Please tell me how that's abusive?
Reporting me for something he didn't even know about is abusive, he has done it to two people for the exact same reason which should lead him to learning his lesson yet he has not. He warns me about two times every week simply because he is biased and abusive. I know I insult a lot of people but I've been making light insults.
I learned my lesson after you informed me about "fags" being cigarettes. And I removed the warning points. Yes, you insult a lot of people, but it doesn't matter if it's light or not, it's still nasty, therefore, I apply warning points.
That's where your problem is. I've been getting level 1 warnings for saying "f**k" and "sh*t" when you shouldn't have warned me at all. Admit to your mistakes, Jesus Christ.
I have admitted to them. Scroll up, you will see that I did admit to me abusing because I didn't realize that you couldn't give warning points for that. I haven't given anyone warnings for that in quite a long time.
When was fag used for cigarette. Everyone knows what fag is and you are saying that fag means cigarette. You are listening to TOOOOO many rumours kid. With the warning, you should of done it the first day that 3yerrt did the wrong thing but, he was newish which is harsh for a new person to join a big server. like, i'm use to it from mineplex. I get asked ALOT of questions and it is tough. Please take this into consideration. Thanks.