1. IGN: IN1NJAI 2. What Theme: idk? 3. What are you favorite colors? Neon Green and matte black 4. What would u like (banner, profile pic?) Profile picture 5. What would you like on your banner? (your minecraft person/character snow man etc) my skin holding a wood hoe 6.What heading/subtitle would you like me to add? IN1NJAI THE SEXY BEAST 7.Any extra notes on what you would like me to add (Optional)? nope
1.) IGN: Theminecraftgal6 2.) What theme? Ehh I wanna be in a forest (u pick? :3) 4.) what would u like Banner? Pro pic?? Pro Pic 5.) What would you like on your pro pic? Well can a be holding a red rose and my skin 6.) What heading/subtitle would you like me to add? TOP: Fab Unicorn BOTTOM: Theminecraftgal6 *Dunt add the TOP and BOTTOM xD* 7.) Any Extra Notes? Nope
1. Ign: GizzBots 2. What Theme: Banner, Minecraft, biomes but Kitpvp/op prison 3. What are you favorite colors? Green and aqua blue. 4. What would u like (banner, profile pic?) Banner. 5. What would you like on your banner? Uhm I'd like the banner to be like the pic I posted at the bottom, but a banner that has writing on it for youtube. (your minecraft person/character snow man etc) 6.What heading/subtitle would you like me to add? GizzBots Gaming in the middle, and then if possible 'KitPvP' on one side and 'OP Games' on the other. 7.Any extra notes on what you would like me to add (Optional)? Uhm. Nah, thx Fluxy btws.