my in-game name is Rellek500 i am reporting jarroyonaples for... he calls me names just because i got a good vote bonus or if i kill him, and I'm not the only one he does it too. So here are some snap shots i took of him saying stuff in the chat box. I hope to add more pictures sooner or later.
He got killed, there isn't evidence of a vote bonus, and this isn't a bad thing all you people say it >.>
Personally, I don't view noob as an insult. I think of it as just a slang term of saying that someone is new to something. I also view when a term is used over and over, it looses all meaning and just becomes a word devoid of any emotion. Being the game nerd I am, the Mortal Kombat games has a character named Noob. Others may have different views than I do.
Sadly he didn't break a rule, if you found being called a noob offensive you could bring it up to him, other than that, this is an online game and there will always be rude players. Do your best to have thick skin and brush it off, don't let it get the better of you, continue to play the game and enjoy it
sadly? what did I ever do to you? :3 it's not even an insult :P I say that everyday, and I only insulted you, but I didn't literally mean I. It was a joke. Saying that I killed you, that was because I'm like that, i'm annoying and I like making people mad, but in the end I try to make up with them and be friends. Don't take it as a harsh comment. brush it off. I Never wanted to offend you :( I'm sorry
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