Ive been buying capes using op prison money paying people 20 tril for a cape and recently i got one off paulainmo and now today when i goto get one off somone else i cant because aparently paulainmo charged back the money now im worried im going to be banned i got the transaction on video if it is needed. This has happened before wasnt on video but it was a long, long time ago i thought paul was trusted but i guess not. Edit: Video takes like 1000 mins to upload so ill provide screneshots from the video if the video is still needed i will take the time to upload it the reason i know it was paul is because he was the only person who did a transaction related to my account recently and now i cant buy anything from the shop because of charge backs? >.<
So do you want the video because the screneshots are the 2 main points in the video the rest is me walking around for like 5 mins waiting for paul to buy me the cape also can you put my worries at ease and tell me i wont be banned because of this guy?
I have no expertise nor experience on buycraft so the only people that could help you would be CypriotMerks or Noobcrew(Pile maybe?).
I dont really need help with this im only posting it as a reference that i was not the one who charged back the cape, but i do want action taken against paul for this. Although it would be a tad bit silly if somone could get banned for somone else charge backing like if that was a thing somone could go buy a bunch of small priced items for another user charge it back and have them banned lol
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff