So, as I get online today, I notice that there's a ladder missing on XII, III and there is no sign on VII (to rank you up to the next rank). I just want these fixed as soon as possible so players can have the full experience on Mineverse Parkour. This may sound rude, but it appears that you don't put as much care into Parkour as other servers, seeing that there are no moderators online (barely ever, I've only seen 2 when I've been online, and I've been here for a couple months now). I just ask that you put more care into the parkour server, because seeing it at this state it really needs more devotion towards it, and to fix the ladders missing and the missing sign. Screenshots: Ladder missing at III: Ladder missing at XII: Sign missing at VII:
I also found a but/glitch that allows players to bypass their mute using the command /bukkit:me I'll show a short video of me doing it myself (I will swear in chat whilst making the video so you can see how players can bypass the swear plugin, so please pardon the language), so you can understand how it works. It works for all players, they can not only bypass their mute but also bypass the swear system. @VaMeSa123, @Badlerner, @ScoFu13 please forward this to whoever codes these servers and disable the permission to this command for users. Here is the video:
@CypriotMerks Tagging admin so he can go and fix missing parts of the map. We are well aware of this however it is part of essentials and will not be removed. If someone is using it to bypass the filter and there are no mods online you may report them for their language. If they are using it to bypass a mute then they will be banned for mute evasion. This aspect will not be removed as it comes naturally with the game.