alright so recently i have made 3 reports about hackers and 2 of them were judged invalid by pandabear and in my evidence i clearly think they were hacking i will post the videos here if needed but panda judged almost all my reports invalid and on my report about zero_inzanity panda looked at it and said it was invalid then i had dcm look at it and he banned zero right away so i geuss that panda is friends with these people and trying not to get them banned and im pretty sure thats abuse
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His reports were invalid, no hacks were shown. And then he goes off reporting me because of his stubborness. The Zero_Inzanity one, he provided two videos, I watched the first one, because at the time he provided the second one, I wasn't online to check it.
UnHidden Content: Then give your information and ask kato to review it, it's obviously not gonna be an issue. xD