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  • Overclaimed Land Inside My Territory

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by PiscesFish, Nov 28, 2013.

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    1. PiscesFish

      PiscesFish Active Member

      Nov 28, 2013
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      My ingame name is PiscesFish.

      KAWCrafter claimed over my territory inside my faction base. KAWCrafter even claimed over my faction home and all of my chests. A member of my faction had been inactive for one day too many, and was automatically kicked. I was in the process of finding new, trustworthy members to join the faction when my land was claimed.

      (Player names in chat have been censored.) My faction name is RainbowBum. They had claimed the land outside my front door, which I cannot use because it is now in KAWCrafter's territory. The file attached is one chunk that KAWCrafter claimed.

      (I am not entirely sure if this is a violation of the rules, but it is very annoying and I would like something done about it. However, if this thread is locked because this is not an actual violation of the rules, I understand and will try to fix it myself ingame if at all possible.)


      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Nov 28, 2013
    2. Troy

      Troy Experienced Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Factions was reset, we cannot do much sorry :/
      Locking and Archiving
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