1. Your IGN: xXOXO 2. The offenders IGN: Speculations 3.What rule they broke: Ddosing me 4. Evidence: They DDosed me 3 times this being the 3rd Tensions was the first but I don't have evidence on him. But I still got his friend DDosing me so hope you ban tis guy
Hello XOXO. The problem with this evidence is that he indirectly stated something. I do not doubt that he ddosed you, but you see, we have to look at this situation from a non-bias point of view. For all we know, he could've been mucking around about the whole poof thing and then you recorded and turned off your router. We don't know this. This isn't sufficient evidence, I'm sorry. If you happen to gather more evidence, please create a new report.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.