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  • OPPrison Duping Exploit on Plot!

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by thegoldminer8, Jun 22, 2018.

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    1. thegoldminer8

      thegoldminer8 Active Member

      May 14, 2016
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      IGN: thegoldminer8
      So, on OPPrison if you place down diamonds, emeralds, and possibly many other block types, on your plot and then log off then (depending on the time you leave the blocks there I believe) you'll be able to mine those blocks like they were in a normal mine, Ie, the fortune enchant works on the full blocks and you will get multiple of that type of block.
      Here is the unlisted video of me documenting this glitch:
      All you have to do to replicate this glitch is take emerald or diamond blocks (and probably even more) to your plot then place them anywhere on your plot, log off and log back on a few times, (Because it doesn't always work) then mine those blocks and you will instantly gain more of these blocks as though you were mining them on a prison mine, you are able to sell these blocks too, seriously, this bug exploit is scarily easy and simple, this needs to be fixed as quickly as possible to avoid any further exploitation of this glitch.
      Last edited: Jun 22, 2018
    2. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Op prison is being removed. Closing
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