1. Offender's ign: ' steven_white' 2. My Ign: NovaPhd 3. Summary: Possible Player Disrespect/Swearing, On oppvp i had recently killed the player 'steven_white' and they had sworn at me, asked me for my age, and disrespected me in a couple ways, I feel disrespected, and felt this was worthy of a report, but, I'll let you be the judge. Also somewhere in there the offender, tends to threaten to report me, for "spamming" however i was having a interactive conversation with this player, so i felt the need to include that in this report. 4. Evidence: Screenshots Below: I Couldn't get the screenshots to upload to the fourms for some reason so I lightshotted them both, sorry for the inconvenience :( http://prntscr.com/4kkdds http://prntscr.com/4kkdl3
Also the player, threatened me by telling me that they'd have other users come after me, as a group effort, I hope i don't get hunted down for making this report....
Lol i didnt they that i said if you keep bullying people that are older than me they will come one day and get payback so stop making up stuff
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.