Your ingame name: kittycraft3497 The offender's ingame name: Soneyburst A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: disrespect to player, This all started out as a little fight and has been going on for months now he started to get his friends to say stuff to me calling me a stupid bitch slut and more then he said in chat that I gave him my password to my minecraft account and started to call me things like i'm a stupid little whore and so on. You seen in one screenshot I told him why do you even live because he told me to go die in a msg which I do not have a screenshot of because the vote spam chat so I couldn't get to it on time. I did try to make up with him over 5 times but every time I did he would yell at me and I don't want to cry or be depressed about this so that's why i'm reporting him. Evidence/screenshots.
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