Your ingame name: xDazzle The offender's ingame name: All of the below (Kumasan88 - _iGap - Devising) A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacks Evidence/screenshots. (Video) Sorry if the video is processing ;3
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"************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************I've banned devising and kumasan, what about igap tho? I can't really see." iGap at 0:19 in the video turned his/her head around to the left and hit me when I was far away.. Also watch further I was getting hit from unreachable spots.
******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Igap doesn't hack, I've been watching him most of the day on op-pvp well pvping with him and haven't seen a thing, the video also doesn't show anything, I believe Dazzle just reported him because I gap happened to be better than him.