Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: SanjiCraft The offender's exact ingame name: oManu/crazyreach A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He basically scammed lmao_oo on a smart and very scummy way for an upgrade from Sponsor to VIP. Evidence/full screenshots: 1. oManu admitting to be crazyreach: 2. oManu denying to have had a trade with lmao_oo: 3. lmao_oo paying crazyreach (oManu) 1.000$: 4. crazyreach saying "ez scam": Hello, I'm SanjiCraft and not lmao_oo. He doesn't know the whole forums, report and more stuff, so I saw it as my moral obligation to give this evil thriving of oManu attention. @NOTE: You cannot report on behalf of other players This will be a bit complicated. Please let me explain what happened, I'll try to make it short. A few details are important to deliver the actual and fair context (like in the real judiciary!?). 1. lmao_oo asked for weeks about a rank upgrade. I told him, that I could do it, but had to ask him later, if it's ok if I can upgrade my friend instead. He said he understands, cus it's my friend. (that's nice of lmao_oo) 2. I know that screenshots are not the best proof, but lmao_oo and many others are unexperienced. He just wanted to get a upgrade and, in return, was abused by oManu and his tricks. 3. oManu admits to be crazyreach in the first screenshot. He got 1.000$ from lmao_oo in the third screenshot and denies to have had a trade in the second screenshot. crazyreach even says "ez scam" in the fourth screenshot. 4. It took lmao_oo more than 1 month to get 1.000$, while it took oManu just 1 alternative account and greed to steal it from him. I also decided to rank upgrade lmao_oo for free after what I witnessed. I can add 2-3 more factors to show oManu his character. In case this isn't enough. I appreciate that you're getting on topics as such. Have a nice day.
He didn't record it. He also didn't get a mod as a middle man.. The only good proof is, that crazyreach said "ez scam" at the end of screenshot 4 and that oManu (crazyreach) denied to have a trade with lmao_oo at all - sreenshot 2 "I never done deal with you.".
What's missing imo, is proof that lmao_oo didn't receive the money. It would be just fair to get oManu to show a screenshot of him paying lmao_oo or a screenshot in which he pays the 1k back. You can see that lmao_oo payed him 1k in screenshot 3
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff