Your ingame name: ririguy7 The offender's ingame name: OoCreeperZoO A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Stealing Iron Evidence/screenshots. I was not able to get any, he logged off and didn't come back OoCreeperZoO is going offline while in the smelting area, and he has a buddy or someone telling him to log back on when somebody goes into it. I was smelting my iron, then he logged on, took it, and left. I would guess this is against the rules, but it is very annoying. ~Ririguy7
He is quite young (or seems to be when I was speaking to him) I would support that this is against the rules, but could of been a mistake. Also Please change/note for the next time to set it out as requested: Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots.
I never stole any of your iron and I believe before you go making reports about me oh any other person please atleast have proof thanks ~CreeperZ
I need evidence for this report so please add some next time other wise this report is not valid. Lock thread please.