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  • Not Urgent; Just Something Small

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by xX_IDK_Xx, Jan 30, 2017.

    1. xX_IDK_Xx

      xX_IDK_Xx Experienced Member

      Sep 26, 2015
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      Please follow this template when making a Bug | Glitch report.
      1. Your in-game name: FlameDragoness
      2. Game mode that the bug and/or glitch is effecting: Infection
      3. Description of the bug and/or glitch: It's not a bug or glitch... I just noticed that the signs for "Sgt Staff Sergeant Gold 40" were repeated. It's small, but I wasn't sure where else to report it. Easy fix though.
      4. Video/screenshot of the glitch:
      5. Duplicate Signs.jpg
      6. Steps to reproduce the glitch: 1) Join Infection 2) Look at the signs 3) There is no 3
      (This may be to even it out, but on the off chance that this is unintentional... Also, by removing the prefix sign on the end and moving the signs on the bottom over one, this can be avoided entirely. Just an fyi.)
      .......... Extra ..........
      Also, since this is basically a report on fairly insignificant things, the prefix choices for this are only:
      - Forums
      - Towny
      - (No Prefix)
      And, the template asks for the game mode, so it's kind of redundant.

      This isn't a suggestion thread, but maybe add the rest of the prefixes, or change 'Towny' to 'In-Game'... Or do nothing. That's fine too (since there are more important things than something like this ^_^)
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2017

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