IGN : KSI_Knight Rule Breaker IGN : unknown mod Rule broken : abuse or power Evidence : None but i've had a discussion with Panda with my donor ability of using the colors in op prison and she said that i was not allowed to use them.... What is the point in /colors if a can't use them in chat? and then i was muted Panda said she didn't mute there were also Chloyybear4you And VaMeSa was online at the time.
Ksi, I was the mod that muted you. It was a small mute for 10 minutes for you causing fake message spam. You had been warned many times for this. Panda was unable to perform this because she was being spammed at the moment of this happening. Color codes are allowed but the way you were abusing them to cause spam wasn't. This was not abuse in any way. This is why you were muted. You have been spamming stuff like this for a while and have had many warnings/ kicks.
I have never said that you weren't allowed to use it. The fact that you were repeatedly spamming the color codes from time to time ticked most of the players off. I warned you several times in global chat, as well as kicked you off of the server, twice. You failed to listen. Even after I asked nicely. The mute was only 10 minutes. I'm not sure why it was necessary to make a report and then label it as abusing. @ScoFu13
This is a ridiculous report. Own up to your actions. The staff were correct in performing their duties.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.