Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: Mosul A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Abusing Fisherman Challenge Bug. Mosul is Archangel175's alternative account. He spams the challenge for the money, money that the will use to buy everything I have in stock from my shop for free. The only reason for someone to have this type of fish in his inventory is to abuse this bug. Evidence/screenshots.
Greetings! Unfortunately the two screenshots provided do not show enough evidence to constitute using the glitch. The fish are present, but the reward items for the challenge to show it being spammed are not. Do you have any additional screenshots to support the report? Thanks, Melgrath
He doesnt need the items melgrath cause his chests are full, I emptied the one with the ink sacks after the report. The 15$ you used to get from repeating the challenge are more valuable than the price of ink sacks and redstone put together, that's why speedycubber afked without caring about his inventory being full of items. Anyway I dont have any more screenshots from him.