Your ingame name: LilCris11 Moderator name: McMuffin A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: First of all I feel scammmed because he said and i quote"Now, if you are even going to try and appeal again, wait two weeks." therefore and since i was trying to show him that I can be obdient now i though it said 1 meek anmd not 2 i posted 1 week and a day. But i still was obdient but in my last post he said and i quote agian "No, you are not coming back to prison." And this I think is very rude wrong and stupid. First I am pretty sure that you have to say denied in there somewhere. Second he said that i wont be coming back wich one he could get demoted mabye not from this or resign. And this is stupid because i have tried my best but excuse my language he is being a pain in the and this is no way at al to treat the people of mineverse. I dont even know him so this makes me assume what he does to others. He also lied in mutiple appeal he always say. I have done this to other players i havent never been banned for this so where is his evedience and in Nuclear's appeal (we were banned together for the same reason and sa,e day he said he had done this before so i am pretty sure there is no valid evdience to his statement because it was his first time being banned and he got perma banned from his favorite server. Now back to the statement I didnt have to wait to weeks because Grayson informed me I am only allowed 1 appeal for a ban a day he said exactly and i quote "Archiving and Locking, due to making multiple Appeals in one day." Now Grayson is a good guy and i trust his judgment we had a rough start but i warmed up to him. So I didnt have to appeal in 2 weeks I wanted to because it would have given me a chance and that is what is he tricked me it to think it would but thta defentily wsnt the case as in it last one he said that rude coment wich isnt the waya mod should treat a player ever so this is all i have to say i hope whoever commented has read the whole thing and i was very upset so sorry if I hurt anyone yesterday. Evidence/screenshots. Rude comment Decieving Comments: Lie about me tp killing others I have never been banned nor warned: Grayseon Being god at his job: Plz do not post unless you have look at everthing and read everything and post the truth I know mods try to protect mods but plz be 50 50 with this ~BugerBoy
1. That "rude" comment was not rude in any aspect, it just didn't work out the best for you so you are freaking out. 2. My "deceptive" comment was not at all deceptive I stated if you are even going to try again and appeal, at least wait two weeks because you were spamming them like no other. -Also you state that you made one a little early because you thought it said one week, yet a post on my wall seems to differ that 3. You even admitted to doing this to others in that appeal so I don't know how I was lying. 4. You were spamming appeals like no other, and you would not listen to me so Grayson stepped in. This report right here proves that you are a liar, you are trying to get a mod demoted because you were banned, and you are extremely immatue and a danger to be on the prison.
I don't even... Muffin was only doing his job. He thought about it, weighed the options, and made a choice.
This is absurd... He is allowed to ban you permanently from the game mode. You've had WAY more than a few chances. There are other game modes you can still play on if you so chose, but if you scam or break rules we can ban/permban you on any one. This is our JOB. Your harassment to Muffin is out of line and won't be tolerated. I am telling(not asking you) to stop now. Any more threads like this will be considered spam and warning points added leading to a possible forum ban.