Your ingame name:Rexo1020 The offender's ingame name:Lumin1219 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Scammer Evidence/screenshots. [01:37:27] Rexo1020: anyone want to team [01:37:38] [Lumin1219 -> me] yeah [01:38:32] [Lumin1219 -> me] tpa me i am at spawn [01:38:42] Giving kit special to Rexo1020§. [01:38:42] Received kit special. [01:38:45] Lumin1219 accepted your teleport request. [01:38:45] Teleportation will commence in 5 seconds. Don't move. [01:38:49] Giving kit tempest to Rexo1020§. [01:38:49] Received kit tempest. [01:38:51] Teleportation commencing... 01:39:01] [CombatTag] You have been hit by Lumin1219. Please do not logout while in combat. [01:39:12] [CombatTag] You have been hit by Lumin1219. Please do not logout while in combat. [01:39:34] [CombatTag] You have been hit by Lumin1219. Please do not logout while in combat. [01:40:03] Teleportation will commence in 5 seconds. Don't move. [01:40:05] [CombatTag] You have been hit by Lumin1219. Please do not logout while in combat. [01:40:05] Pending teleportation request cancelled. [01:40:22] [CombatTag] You have been hit by Lumin1219. Please do not logout while in combat. [01:40:37] [CombatTag] You have been hit by Lumin1219. Please do not logout while in combat. [01:40:45] [CombatTag] You have been hit by Lumin1219. Please do not logout while in combat. [01:40:51] [CombatTag] You have been hit by Lumin1219. Please do not logout while in combat. [01:41:04] Rexo1020: im reporting you [01:41:09] Lumin1219: Ty for your item [01:41:18] Rexo1020: Reporting Lumin for scam [01:41:20] [Lumin1219 -> me] ty for your item [01:41:23] Rexo1020: i have recorded chat
How do we know that it isn't u making up all it all show u and his conversation only please provide a screenshot
I just edited it, so its only me and him talking, i can put in the file where everyone is talking and you can see colors and stuff
I can't figure out how this is scamming. If you have any further evidence, please provide it. Archiving,