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  • LukeBirt

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by Ember333, Feb 21, 2015.

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    1. Ember333

      Ember333 Active Member

      Jan 17, 2015
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      Recently I posted about a scam from DiamondPorkchops, and got told I had no evidence.

      Since then Mineverse I have taken your advice, and I now whenever I play Minecraft, set up a screen recording on QuickTime Player. This case I have signifiant evidence for.

      It started off like this:

      I was selling Obsidian, for some profit, as I had just bought some. I had 54, and I was selling them at 100 a piece. I first put them into an auction where the starting price was 5400, Bid Increment 100, and Time for Auction 100. During the auction I got 2 messages 1 from VRP100 who said he was only interested in buying 14, and 1 from LukeBirt, who said he was only interested in buying 10. I then traded with VRP100, who quite happily handed over 1400 in place of the 14 obsidian he was receiving. I then started trading with LukeBirt. I approached the trade, with the classic technique of the price is 1000, you pay 500, then ill give the 10 to you, and then you pay the other 500. Though LukeBirt wanted to steer the trade, s he said you give me 5, then Ill pay half, and then you give me other 5, and then ill pay the other half. I didn't want to lose this customer, and his way sounded fair enough, so I agreed, and gave him 5 obsidian. This is where things started going wrong. LukeBirt payed me 250, thinking that the total price was 500. I then tried to explain to him that it was 1000, and that I just had someone pay 1400 for 14 obsidian. LukeBirt, then told me, that if I gave him the other 5, he would pay me 750. I then warned him, I was recording this, and gave him the other 5. LukeBirt then like any other scammer, quickly disconnected from the server.

      Unfortunately for him he messed with someone, who was recording.

      Is there someway I can get my 750 back.

      Screenshots from my footage:

      Original Auction​
      Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 8.35.59 am.png

      LukeBirt and VRP100, both notify me that they want less then 54
      Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 8.40.29 am.png

      VRP100 at first thinks the Price is 1000​
      Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 8.44.43 am.png

      But after explaining that the price was 1400, he/she happily hands over the other 400​
      Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 8.46.04 am.png

      I explain to LukeBirt, how I would like to do the deal​
      Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 8.49.31 am.png

      LukeBirt explains how he would like to trade, and I agree​
      Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 8.50.49 am.png

      About to give LukeBirt Half​
      Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 8.52.39 am.png

      LukeBirt, only gives me 250, as he thinks the total price is 500, though it is 1000
      I try to explain to Luke that the price is 1000, not 500​
      Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 4.34.07 pm.png

      LukeBirt threatens to leave with my obsidian, unless I give him the other 5, ant hen he'll pay 750 to me. I then agree and warn him that I'm recording it.
      Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 4.23.40 pm.png

      I then give the last 5 Obsidian to LukeBirt, and then he leaves my island, he is amused, and I tell him that I recorded the trade.
      Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 4.36.22 pm.png

      Hopefully you find this to be significant evidence Mineverse.

      Can you please ban him, people like this, ruin the server

      Is there someway I can get my 750


    2. Ember333

      Ember333 Active Member

      Jan 17, 2015
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      Can someone please reply on this, its been over a week, thanks
    3. melgrath

      melgrath Experienced Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      Hi Ember333,

      Apologies on the delay with this report. I was hoping to chat with the player on the incident as well, but our hours to not meet up well. I still have the players name down to talk with, but can refund you your money. I will need to meet you in game to pay you as I cannot when you are offline.

      In the future, please use a chest shop for these types of transactions. There is a demo of them at /warp shop on how this is done. This helps to prevent any confusion and reduces changes of being scammed.

      Let me know if the above is satisfactory, and I will close and archive this report.

    4. Ember333

      Ember333 Active Member

      Jan 17, 2015
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      Thanks for the response

      About the refund if money, I don't know your timezone, but when you sent this comment it was 4:07 Am in the morning for me.

      Can you please propose a time, when we can meet on the server?

      My timezone is ACST (Australian Central Standard Time)


    5. melgrath

      melgrath Experienced Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      Greetings Ember333,

      It appears that our timezones are quite the opposite. It may be easier for me to use a shop to get you your money. What i would propose is the below.
      • Create a chestshop with a stick or something minor as the item for sale. Set the selling price as $750.
      • Respond to this thread with a warp name that will take me to the chest and I will purchase a stick for the $750.
      This approach will get you your money and hopefully help overcome our large timezone gap. (Currently 6AM my time and 9:30PM your time)

      Let me know if this works for you.

    6. Ember333

      Ember333 Active Member

      Jan 17, 2015
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      Thanks for the response Melgrath,

      I have set up a shop at:

      /warp flamecasino

      It shouldn't be too hard to find, as you spawn directly in front of it


    7. melgrath

      melgrath Experienced Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      Good Day!

      I am pleased to announce that you have been repaid! Please let me know if this report has been resolved to your satisfaction and I will get it closed out.

    8. Ember333

      Ember333 Active Member

      Jan 17, 2015
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      Yeah it's done

      Thanks Melgrath

      Close the report now

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