When I log in,it suddenly said "you already logged in". Than SmartLoser knows I am back, so he left my account. When I log in back, I check my account and balance...I lost 2000!!!!!!!!!!!!:( Please admin ,owner or mod, help me ban Smartloser. If u want to know why I know is him , I can tell u he share screen to me on Skype and I saw he had a hack account system.Please help me I hope everyone will knows Smartloser is a hacker. brendanyong
I hope those staff members know when someone share screen on Skype, you cant screenshots. If u said "No proof = No ban", I will be so sad but nvm , cause the staff have power to don't ban ppl.
No evidence was given to us. So I cannot deal with this, sorry. Locking and Archiving due to inactivity and lack of evidence.