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  • Lola Perez -- powerabuse [Closed]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by Zambiana, Feb 26, 2015.

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    1. KatoKillsMyGPA

      KatoKillsMyGPA Retired Head-Mod

      Nov 1, 2013
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      Zambiana I honestly don't understand why you aren't realizing that this isn't Skyblock and while I know you didn't state anything, nor bring it up, this doesn't change the fact that rules here are different. While they may be similar and handled in an equal way, the different moderators and player-base change it so that everything can be interpreted for different means of moderation and choices. This also brings up something called moderator discretion where-as different moderators handle different infractions and cases in their own unique way. While this can cause issues, the way this was handled isn't any different than many other moderators, even on skyblock handle vulgar language and rude come-ons. I personally don't believe in using vulgar language on here, especially in the public. You off all people should know that about me, so to do it I honestly don't understand. There are plenty of ways to express yourself and show your opinion without resorting to dropping F bombs. I don't really care when and how children start cussing, or using vulgar language, but it is something we try to refrain from and shy away from on these forums. While some things may need changed, I'll talk to the moderators involved here and handle it in my own way. I'd say the only thing that would have to be changed would be to use the edit tool and just give a verbal, or level 0 warning so that player is notified that their behavior isn't acceptable. If that doesn't work, then by all means I'd prefer the mods to step up the infractions and give harsher, or actual temp-bans to straighten the player out. I honestly don't know why you have such a disgust for certain moderators here, when they do a fine job. Sure many of them can improve, but that is something that comes with experience and having time on this server. This can also be helped with guidance from ex-moderators and older moderators. Where-as I wish you were one to help them, since you honestly wrote many of the rules we base ours, or use today. I just don't see the point of the all of this. I'd say mistakes were made by bother parties, but those can easily be reconciled and fixed relatively easy. To sum it up I'm basically saying to calm down and think about your posts as to try and not offend everyone Zambi. I know you and know how you act, so it doesn't bother me specifically, but others might not take it in the same light. Regarding moderation I'll talk to those involved to get what you were trying to tell them through and how to possibly adjust their current forms of forum moderation. Thanks for the report.
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