lol moku I have a screenshot of you saying budder to -.- soo you will get banned if I get banned for this reason XD
and also this should not be a bannable reason because if they didn't want people to do it then why do they have to kick you and not just auto correct like hacker or swear words and stuff so if they want to stop people from saying it they should make it so it doesn't kick you... again what if people need to go in the middle of a fight? well you can just budder and apparently get banned...
I say budder when I need to log off at spawn and most of the screen shots are from that... and the others are from fighting hackers and I think it should be allowed against hackers...
Mhm, Sour saw the fight me vs liam. but when I sai "Butter" I am not in combat I just log off in pvp (not whilst fighting)