Woah. Maybe edit that title to include [Warning] Language or something of the sort? Or put it all in a spoiler using (spoiler) content (/spoiler) but use [ ] instead of ( )
I am sorry for the inconvenience of these players' language. When I am on I will try to moderate skywars more often. Edit: I put spoilers over the pics since there is quite offensive language in the pictures.
We'll try to moderate more on skywars. Please feel free to report if you see anyone breaking the rules. Thank you for reporting this. ************************************************************************ This isn't a report against one specific person. Should we close it?
Are you looking to report a specific person in particular on here? Otherwise I will class this report as resolved.
**********************************since it isn't a proper report, i think this should be a temban for madmikie and a warning********************
Add the restof the screen shot where zero called you a whore he was calling the guy who was cussing you out a whore not you but you dident add that part of the shot
*********************************************************I will ban madmikie7 he is the one I saw cursing more tan the others. He definetely needs a ban.