Own IGN: RebornWolf Offenders IGN: KnightFurry007 Offence: Before the game started, the offender blew up his glass cage and went onto his island. He blew up the middle island as well but I don't have evidence for that. All the evidence I have is him out of his island Evidence: Zoomed out screenie:
@MissMisconceived @Dyna_Mighty @Janice999 @StrKillr @Nanurz @paulainmo @TorchwoodRC @Exstatisfy @ParanormalPizza @Nightfire @BlackZone
The player was last online 25 days ago. Not sure how these were taken 3 days ago. Sorry. Thank you for your report. Closing. https://gyazo.com/8eff6449fc5137944eb3ab12d02b27e7