Your ingame name: blueprint4 The offender's ingame name: [KitPvP] gamer_crasher and Jaceking1 | [OP PVP] The_King1010 and 1234destroyer. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: [KitPvP] gamer_crasher used rapid fire, and Jaceking1010 used no knockback. [OP PVP] The_King1010 used no knockback, and 1234destroyer used rapid fire. Evidence/screenshots. [KitPvP] [OP] Just wanted to say sorry for kind of spamming the reports, I just keep finding hackers on the server, and I want to make sure they don't ruin the fun for everyone. Thanks for understanding.
You need evidence for a report to be valid. In that case, this report is invalid. Locking and Archiving.