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  • [Kitpvp]christopherk hax[Invalid] [Chloyy]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by SmokeSkillz, Oct 16, 2014.

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    1. SmokeSkillz

      SmokeSkillz Active Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      MY IGN: SmokeSkillz
      OFFENDER'S IGN: christopherk

      I've reported this player two times now, and with the same video footage. It's sad to see that the moderators don't notice the hacks present in the video. Yes, I understand that you've watched the video many times, doesn't conclude that he doesn't hack. I've researched the hacks he was using in the video and how it works. Bow aimbot is one thing to put up. When a player is using bow aimbot, the crosshair automatically aims for the head, and if you notice in the video, christopherk ALWAYS raises his bow to my head. It's also sad how you guys didn't see the auto criticals I was talking about. Starting at :45, he always lands a critical hit everytime WITHOUT jumping, and I know this because those light-brownish particles are crit particles. He probably also uses click aimbot, which doesn't aim and hit the player until you click.

      How come he landed critical particles every time he struck me starting at :45? How come he shoots me at :16 aiming his bow to my head and returns to sword hitting positition as if nothing? Why in :31, he makes those odd transitions of hitting between the player in front of him and the player to the left of him? These are the questions I want answered in response to this, not being denied saying "I've watched this multiple times and still nothing." response. Tell me HOW the hacks I point out are 'Invalid', and please do it in a good manner. I'd like to see your clear thoughts on how you think it's not hacks, and for that to happen, I need good detailed explanations of why it's NOT hacks.

      This video shows a hacked client called Kronos. He talks about the basic crap of it, but I want to show 10:09 of the video, where he shows bow aimbot. "..if you're near another player and have the bow, then you just aim for the HEAD.." as he says in the video. This backs up my evidence of christopherk always aiming for the head when shooting the bow.



    2. sharm00ta

      sharm00ta Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2013
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      Um.. Why did you post a video of a hacked client?
    3. SmokeSkillz

      SmokeSkillz Active Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      In 10:09 the dude who uploaded the video says that using the bow aimbot will make you aim for the head, which christopherk did.
    4. Ringo24

      Ringo24 Well-Known Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      JESUS stop posting this he isn't hacking move on with your life
    5. SmokeSkillz

      SmokeSkillz Active Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      First of all, it's none of your business to start posting on this while you aren't directly related. Second, explain how he doesn't hack. Saying that someone hacks or they don't without details and an explanation won't get you anywhere. Look for the evidence and stop whining that he doesn't hack. Responding as if you didn't read my explanation is just a negative. If you think you have such knowledge, explain the reasoning behind why at :45 of the video, he lands criticals without needing to jump. Don't act like there are very limited amount of hacks in Minecraft, because there's plenty depending on the client. It just amuses me seeing that some moderators aren't very knowledgeful of identifying hacks. As if the only hack to exist to them are: aimbot, anti knockback, and other obvious hacks. I have 50+ videos of different players whom use hacked clients. It really takes time to upload, but seeing one of the obvious hacker reports denied, I really can't ignore. Now, if any moderators who see hacks, respond and archive this, but if not, explain in a detailed statement why those certain parts that I pointed out AREN'T hacks.
    6. ChloyyBear

      ChloyyBear Well-Known Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      Multiple mods have all said they have not seen hacks.
      The player had a lucky head shot.
      This player's innocent

      This report is invalid.
      Locking and Archiving.
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