MY IGN: SmokeSkillz OFFENDER'S IGN: christopherk A previous report on this was denied, but I can't stop there.. Since mineterria doesn't see the obvious hacks on here.. I'll be glad to point it out. I'll go through the whole explanation. By the way, @mineterria , like I said on the last report about this dude, this was an "old video".. I recorded this before you banned me for using the keybind mod... I also said that I'd stop using that mod IF it wasn't allowed, but it was! Okay, now let me go through the video... First of all, sorry for saying killaura, it wasn't killaura.. It was aimbot, but doesn't matter since they're both HACKS. Do you realize, whenever he shoots his bow, he always aims for the head? This is the basic function of bow aimbot. The parts in the video where bow aimbot were present is: 0:06, 0:09, & 0:016. At 0:16, he was hitting me with the sword, but when he shot me with the bow, it automatically aimed for him, then going back into his position hitting me with his sword. Ending the 'aimbot bow' talk, lets start with the 'aimbot'. He probably uses 'click aimbot'.. I've heard that this works, not automatically, but manually having to click the mouse to aim. So that means that left clicking your mouse will aim for the player entity nearest to that user. So at 0:32 where he was in target of that user, he turns his body really sharply, like very sharp.. As if he was switching between those two players in the left of him. I really don't want to point out every point where he uses hacks (no pun intended), but I just really want to show you.. It might also help you out in identifying hacks that's in videos, so you're welcome ;) The last and most obvious hack (in my opinion) is the auto-crits starting at 0:46 to the ending. Critical damage works usually by jumping, which I'd like to call jump criticals. The 'auto-crits' hack that he used on me works by not even having to jump to obtain criticals on me. How do I know that it's critical damage that he's inflicting upon me? It's pretty simple.. The critical damage is shown by the light-brownish particles every time that a player is stuck. Don't confuse it with the blue particles... Those occur from items with a sharpness enchantment. Going back to his hacks, do you realize that every time he hits me, a critical particle is present, even though he's NOT jumping? If you don't realize those observable hacks he was using, then I don't know what to tell you mineterria. I upload videos I know are hacks. I look carefully at every single one of my videos. Uploading a video to youtube takes very long (for me). So denying any obvious hacks, it's really wasting my time. Also, sorry for 'dissaponting' you for using something that's allowed. I didn't know that was allowed. Anyways, thank you for reading, and hopefully, you notice the hacks I'm pointing out. EVIDENCE:
There are no hacks here. I've watched this multiple times and still nothing. This report is Invalid. Locking and Archiving.