Wait name who has been scammed cause if he does scam u have to have proof but has he really scammed anyone or just tried to?
MC_Major Is banned hes told me that hes going to hack pile but i informed here asap sometimes people are just jelous maybe your better than them or somthing so they start threaghting you if your really worried about this you should try and contact mojang or change your password i hope this helped i was the one who got MC_Major banned he told me Cypriot the co owner skyped him and said " It is okay for you to hack when other players are hacking to" <--- his words i wasnt to sure about it so i posted it anyway no hes banned hes accused me of getting hacked before ive been hacked i need to say that my pc has been controlled by another person. but its fine now.
That "Kobe" kid id MC_Major... http://gyazo.com/e8c60cbf648508373c1dee29e350c7e0 If that player is indeed doing that he needs to be server banned. I hope he can provide proof. Can you provide proof please? I need evidence that he is doing this to take action, and if this is true I would like to take action as soon as possible. If you are not involved do not post here. Those involved please stay on topic. Thank you.
This screenshot is from the Skype group chat where the “vault” discussion was brought up. It shows adweather sending me the email that I should message after I was asking about the vault. Even though I did not email the account I did ask what I should say; that is what he next stated.
I think this deserves more than just a Kitpvp ban. I'm going to ask Dirty for his opinion on this one.
Adweathers tried scamming me. He tried making put my account details to these random guys on skype. He said he is going to leave the call because he is going back to the call with NoobCrew. Which is total b/s. Please ban him he is a scammer and should be ip banned because he did manage to hack accounts already.
Sorry, this report has been going on for too long. Feel free to make another report with evidence/proof of the players action.