Your ingame name:Enderkiller1327 The offender's ingame name:booger9 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I went afk for a few minutes and when i come back im dead, i go back to the same spot and the guy hurts me i was in full prot 3 and sharp v sword so it would be nice if i could get it back, thanks. Evidence:
that only works on ur computer bc the address is directing the browser to the file on ur computer. Plz actually post a picture.
much better! hmm it appears u did get hurt idk wat hack that would be tho and thats saying something bc I've studied ALOT of hacks to find out how they work nd the signs that theyre active. o.O
It seems like that spot is not spawn protected or something like that because any one can kill me there.
Solution, don't go to that corner. I can't do anything about this as there's no proof of you having the armor. Locking and Archiving. Feel free to make another thread with full evidence of your armor.