Your ingame name: Jet315 The offender's ingame name: Jo290404 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: scamming and then canceling auction to see if anyone would do /bid to bid over there money that they put. If you can not see image: -- For the pics
Because everyone who bid do /bid so people raise to 2k ( Friends ) and then ppl with bid over People have done before and I have seen. Is this aloud? Not everyone do /bid but I know most do. First time not knowing I was scammed 260 on p2 chest plate a bit ago. It annoys me when people do this.
Then You should be more carefull next time you want to bid on somthing you instantly /bid didnt you thats why you should wait some seconds and then bid this is what happens to people who always bid at the end first
Well he isn't actually breaking any rules, we cant ban him. I'll archive this because there is nothing we can do.