Your ingame name: Archangel175 The offender's ingame name: jbobsnake and albiejoe04 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Constantly spamming chat and mass messaging. Evidence/screenshots. GRIEFERS/jbobsnake albiejoe04
This isn't the first time jbobsnake mass msg. Dcase78 and I called him to stop mass messaging yesterday and he still doesn't listen. It's really annoying because when I msg someone I always /r and msg them instead. He spammed it in mass message a couple of times and continues to do this.
Its funny jbob.... you said you wouldn't do it again, but once Pile got off.... you did it again. lol
so do I, he mass msgs all the time and I have told him to stop, he said ok and then did it again the next day when I got on