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  • OP PvP IRektUrFace

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by Furiousdestroler, Sep 27, 2017.

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    1. Furiousdestroler

      Furiousdestroler Active Member

      Mar 2, 2017
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      Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include:
      1. Your ingame name: Furiousdestroler
      2. The offender's exact ingame name: IRektUrFace
      3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Just lemme explain...
      4. Evidence/full screenshots: For the past 2-3 months, IRektUrFace has been Cyber Bullying, Ddosing, and hacking me. Countless times. He already made a fake report on me, and still didn't even really get punished for that. (I'd like to see the screenshot in that "report") Is there anyway you could perm ban IRektUrFace. Look at all my past reports. He and Djairus (His alt) have been taunting me for 2-3 months. He was Persduadinq, the Guy who originally got my IP and then got perm banned. Please look at all my past reports and see why IRektUrFace should be perm banned. He should also get a 14-31 day forum tempban for making a fake report on me. I know i'm not staff, but he should honestly get a 31 day lobby tempban too. He is nothing but a Cyber bully and always makes me feel bad. He already made OSlem quit, he was honestly so mean to him because he sucked at pvp. (He wasn't even terrible) Think about it, he's caused all this trouble. This is his what, 437975346975689078758976589654645645687458678st chance? (In reality it's like his 7th chance) He's had enough. I think on OP PvP he should get a perm ban unless he buys an unban, or spends a lot of time Away from being a bully and actually letting people play. I know i've made threads about oh, the owners don't do this and that. I get that, lots of people know that too. But i'd say he's made over 100 players quit in this past year. He always Bullies me in /msg because he thinks he can get away with it. This guy has been doing it for years probably. I get he's spent $100, maybe even more. Rules are rules, donator or not donator, you'll still get punished. He should get Perm banned on OP and have to buy an unban, that's my info on it. Thank you for reading this
      Also, if this isn't accepted. Please watch him In-game, he cheats hard.

      Your Kindest Regards, Furiousdestroler <3

      P.S Can I please see the screenshot in the fake report? Please link that in the bottom! :D
    2. Ordi

      Ordi Mythical Member Premium

      Apr 23, 2014
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      https://imgur.com/a/kd5kz <-- This is the fake proof, to let you know what was fake, it was that "kys" was not filtered, which it would have been in the OP filter.

      Locking and archiving.
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