Your ingame name: pumagirl19 The offender's ingame name: gregory05 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: bowspam Evidence/screenshots.
this isn't fast bow, he's a zombie and they only get one arrow. but he's using that arrow then suiciding to spam it.
bow spam can depond on your mouse as well tho and how fast you click it tho but ok i just do see why you post.
I don't really see any bow spam here. The first screen shot showed that he was shooting. However no bow spam. Second screen shot all I see is that he died, same the the last one. The third screen shot he's holding a bow. Where is the bow spam?
I have discussed this with other staffs. We have agreed on that this is lack of evidence. In the first screen shot he could of been aiming but not shoot it and in the death screenshots there is no proof that it was suicide he might of died. Closing.