I recently Msg'd IJustDied And I Asked him Saying You're SourPatchSpartan And He Replied Saying "Yes" Then Said I'm Lobby Banned On My Main. Here Are They Gyazo's Next Time Ill get a Video of it sorry. I Was In a Rush So I Just Took ScreenShots. Thanks -0_Inzanity. Oh And In The Last Gyazo There Is a Advertiser. Thanks Again https://gyazo.com/c8b58a05b2fbee241c0d16b2297e9aa6 https://gyazo.com/bb5952e403e04f6c47569353a7a5c075 https://gyazo.com/9861c6c471a1a468fde0f80be47e016c
We are already aware that IJustDied is SourPatchSpartan. I asked a while ago if he was able to play on IJustDied but never got a response. He's banned for chargeback but he isn't the one who charged back. I'll ask the Head-Moderators once again. Closing.