Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Arab_Llams The offender's exact ingame name: HeyJustTeam A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They scammed me, they promised me titan for $70,000 on Skyblock, I paid them, they didn't get me titan. Evidence/full screenshots:I've attached a screenshot with me saying the deal to him, him accepting and me paying the full amount. I was hoping as well as him being banned I could be re-imbursed with my money as thats all I had
You need video evidence to prove a scam, per our rules located here: Do you have video evidence? We will give you 12 hours to post it. And also per those rules, MV doesn't do refunds for scams. Sorry.
That's stupid, it has all the evidence you need, The deals been said, he agreed and it shows the payment. And even if I don't get a refund you could ban him because thats all you should need. Check my bal or my alts bal if you think I did this as a "prank"
Here are what the rules say: Scamming: Do not scam any user of Mineverse out of their items, rank, or money. Mineverse staff do not do refunds for items that you may be scammed of, trade at your own risk. In-game: Scamming will result in a 7 day the first time. The second time will result in a 31 day ban. *If reporting a scam, please be sure that we can clearly see exactly what you are trading for and both players agreeing to the trade in video evidence.*
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff