So The Player HerpyDerpy added me to his plot because i wanted to help him. he then said that he was going AFK to have dinner so i had i look around his base and looked in his chests. (I DID NOT STEAL) when he came back online he said that i stole and then spammed the OP prison chat with: VolcanicVortex Steals!. i tried to tell him that i didn't but he wouldn't listen to me. then he told every one to ban me from there plots, sure enough when i try to go onto players plots I cannot enter there plot. there fore The Minecraft Player: HerpyDerpy has humiliated me online and has lied on several occasions (this player has lied to several others) Thank you for your time.
What this player did was not a bannable or really, warnable offense. If you believe he is incorrect, message him and explain it to him. If he does not believe you, just ignore him. I will be closing this report, feel free to make another one if you happen to have proof of him spamming.