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  • Skyblock Harrasment/trolling [24 Hours][Lack of Evidence]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by Astrila, May 20, 2020.

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    1. Astrila

      Astrila Established Member

      May 20, 2020
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      My in game name is "astrila"
      The offenders name is "loikco2k2k" and "Covid19IsNotReal"
      Rules broken - Harassment, Chat Related Offences, Trolling + more

      This player has violated other rules but i have no proof, but considering what has happened, this behaviour is expected of them. After them getting angry at me for trivial reasons, they threatened to get me banned with "dont pi s s me off or ill report u still" So that's blackmail and filter evasion right there (Proof available). i /ignored him but he used an alt to join pretending to not know what happened and started trying to speak to me with /m, i discovered this and he went back to his main account loikco2k2k.
      After being quite frankly a horrible person in the chat with no respect for anyone and just pure anger he came to my island with /visit and proceeded to stand in the way of where i was building. I fell to my death as the block didn't place because he was in the way on purpose, but i will overlook this. he then kept trying to get in the way of my building to the point where another member with [god] rank offered to help me as he couldn't block us both. At this point multiple people (with [god], [VIP], etc)were talking to him in the chat saying things like leave us alone, get off the island, why are you doing this etc, to which he responded with "OR WHAT?" and other rude things. he was also asking me why i was so toxic? yet i am sat here minding my own bushiness on my island. At this point another player messaged me instructing me to use the /boot or /remove command to get him off my island, which worked. But he appeared again - i then /is lock and /boot another time and he just keeps appearing. A couple of people notified me he had set a warp (proof available), which to my knowledge there is nothing i can do about. i removed him time and time again but he was persistent in getting in my way, throughout he was arguing with people in chat and saying things that just make everyone feel bad. He actually advertised the warp and asked everyone to use it as he knew fully well how annoyed we all were at him, although we remained calm and collected (the warp name is "fckas", which means f*** astrila, as my other warps are asfarm and ashome for astrila farm and astrila home). He then told everyone he was going afk yet used /m to attempt to talk to me more, basically saying i can try to get him banned and i wont be able to, and he will pay me 100k on his alt if i get him banned in the next 5 minutes. Next he uses /vanish to pretend to be offline, but still flies around my island in the form of a bat. For the previous duration of this troll/harassment he was using the form of an ocelot and blaze. /remove wouldn't work anymore as he was "offline" he then joins on his alt again as shown in the second video at the bottom as covid19isnotreal

      Please check the logs just to see the full extent of what happened - it happened at about 19:50 on 20th may GMT and there is no doubt that his actions were unacceptable.

      It might not sound so bad because there is a lot going on that i just cant tell it all - but this player is nothing short of a bully, a troll, a nuisance, and frankly a disgusting person. He has ruined my day and the days of countless others.

      I cant attach proof to the form - the videos are too big and the link makes it look like spam. Please get in touch with me by email for the evidance - if the logs aren't enough.

      Thanks for your time.
    2. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Unfortunately, we aren't able to grab logs for this, we would only really be allowed to get logs if it was the likes of a forging evidence ban or a macro ban, etc. So without any real proof then there is nothing we can do about this report.

      I'll leave this report up for 24 hours for you to provide any evidence you may have against this user, failure to do so will result in the report being closed for lack of evidence. Thanks.
    3. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      Thank you for the report.
      Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient.
      Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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