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  • Infection Hacking people.[Handled]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by _tnerB_, Mar 20, 2016.

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    1. _tnerB_

      _tnerB_ Active Member

      Mar 17, 2016
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      https://gyazo.com/08eebd30142d1f4852ceb70b836e4f2d The first one I will report is: BypassJohn. Like his name says: "Bypass"John. I said he was hacking and he said he was banned 10 minutes agoo. But used vpn to unban himself!

      Then another 2 people: HarredplayZ and Nskillz. He doesn't have much skills only with hacking. Because he is on a place you can only come with some badly hard fly hacks.

      Then you guys hope I'm done, but I am not... Sorry...
      Here we have a hacker with the same mind as this 2 guys above, he thought he was cool with his fly hacks to!
      He forgot i had i nice f2 button on my keyboard, where I could take a screenshot with!

      I hope i helped this server being more cleaned up now! Haha!

      Greetings Brent, _tnerB_

      Later this day i found a new hacker!
      Called: JaWeeWeee
      I have no evidence that he hacked, but he told me he did to after he had some kill aura. If you think this is not explaining anything. Someone who is not hacking would care and someone who is hacking would not care! O and what he is saying is not allowed I think! Haha!
      See his language and 'he dont care'
      I was not the only one who think he has hacks. Look at ItzTurtle_
      Here another not good language from JaWeeWeee ..
      Maybe you guys hope that was the last picture, sorry I have another one :D
      Again some not respectfull words against me.
      Guys in this last one i did nothing wrong. If you think I only screenshot him. He was mad at me, because he knew I was really gonna report him and he walked in my trap because he gave me the evidence that he hacked.

      I hope this were the hackers on infection for now!

      See you guys later!

      Hmm I think I need a award! XP on infection i would love! No haha just a joke, but i have another hacker found on 1 day!
      Name: billydeis
      He likes flying and being weird with his body haha! Just watch this short video! You liek the music haha I am becoming kinna good at this ! lol

      And a Advertiser to!
      His name is Gravity_PVP and he asked us to subscribe his channel! Hmm but he did not knew he will get more hate then subscribers I am afraid!

      I hope you are happy that I reported these guys! 5 hackers and a advertiser less on the server! And I am not done yet!

      Have a nice time!
      Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
    2. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved.
      This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
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