so me and stacker7 (my cousin) were playing sky block when we left we saw chests and signs on our island.. this guy named david hacked into our island and we never saw him he just left signs saying pls do not report him... if there is a way u guys can kick this random guy that came on our island that would be great! Your ingame name:12323emily The offender's in game name:idk he's someone secret... A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:hacks! he hacked in our island somehow..
know... thats why I'm telling u i don't know who he is... he won't tell me his username! I'm worried that he is going to remove all my hard work soon on my island :/
I can't do anything if I can't find his ign. Allthough it can be someone trolling you, or making a prank on you. But as this seems serious, I wish you can find david's ign so I can do something about this.
Unfortunately we can't do anything without valid evidence of this person actually on your island, hacking. These signs prove nothing, and it might just be your cousin/who ever is added trolling you. Closing due to insufficient evidence.