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  • GTA SignCrash

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by CodBucket, May 3, 2016.

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    1. CodBucket

      CodBucket Head Moderator Head Moderator Premium

      Mar 13, 2015
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      Hello! I just got some information today that you can crash people at the end of the world (were building is enabled btw) you can crash people, why is this important? because simply were the mines are (edges of worlds) you can mine/place blocks, due to a new hack called "signcrash" you can crash people, when doing this the victim that looks at the crashsign and that is tagged in combat will crash in a blink, but when your combat tagged and you log you lose all your soulbound items/weapons when your tagged and you crash so I would like it to be patched asap and building needs to be disabled. I want you put the protection in the mines provided down below.

      Mine 1 x913 y69 z76.554

      Mine 2 x-635 y71 z57


      Thanks, lsb
      Last edited: May 3, 2016
    2. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Locking as inactive.
      Feel free to make another thread here if this is still an issue.
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