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  • [GTA] furionwarrior Disrespect/Language [Pending Perms]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by XSakuraBlossomX, Aug 10, 2015.

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    1. XSakuraBlossomX

      XSakuraBlossomX Active Member

      Jun 12, 2014
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      My ingame name : HurriSandy, and spandexcajun ( my second account )
      The offender's name : furionwarrior
      Description of the rule they broke : I was using my second account which was spandexcajun during that time and I was trying to buy a chainsaw which was very rare to have. My offer to people when I was buying a chainsaw was, " 1000 dollars on Kit PvP for a chainsaw on GTA. " I had 2 offers, 1 thought that if they paid the money, I will give them the chainsaw, but that wasn't what I wanted. The other person was furionwarrior and he knew what I wanted. In the screenshots that I have for the evidence, he stated below that I had to pay him 1000 dollars first and then he would give me the chainsaw. But, in the previous times I have been scammed, I didn't agree to the offer because of the scams. When I said no, he started cursing a lot. For example, the screenshot that I took said, " then u u bitch sucking licker. " I told him that I was reporting him for cursing and he said, " ur a baby everybody curses cursing is life u sucking er. " But for some reason my computer isnt allowing this screenshot ( underlined ).

      P.S. there wasn't GTA on the Prefix so I just said KitPvP because it didn't allow me to post unless there was a prefix.

      Evidence : Screenshots
      2015-08-10_13.25.50.png 2015-08-10_13.26.08.png 2015-08-10_13.26.00.png
    2. larrythebird101

      larrythebird101 Boss Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      Will deal with when moderators receive their permissions on GTA.
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