Somebody has to help me I am getting constant ddos I know its vipersanity and pvpwarlord__ What do i do I gave him my skype and got ddosed footballplayer was skyping them and got ddosed at the same time while the whole time they were asking him if he was lagging What does one do?
Delete them both and block them on Skype, then contact your ISP and ask them to change your IP as you're being DDoSed.
i know Pvpwarlord ddos me too he asked what was my Skype i told him and then he said to tpa to him to protect him then a 1 min later my mine craft stopped and i thought something was wrong with my wifi so after i reset my wifi, i got back on my mac laptop and loged backed in and it says someone somewhere else is using my ip address so i knew it was pvpwarlord who ddos me. and please get him banned