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  • gatormac23 "Trapping Users" On The Creative Game-Mode

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by Edward Ray, Oct 20, 2013.

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    1. Edward Ray

      Edward Ray Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      I have found a user trapping people on the game-mod Creative. The user is giving him/herself the portal id. Unfortunately, the portal block wont let you use buttons. What I mean is that you cannot exit out of Minecraft, you cannot even press the escape button, not even your inventory! So this is a big problem for some users playing on this game-mode. Using the /tpa commands, they were tricked to get trapped. I have been trapped before but I have escaped before the user places the block to trap me.

      1) My ingame name is "KewlMCDude"

      2) The offender's ingame name is "gatormac23"

      3) gatormac23 is disrespecting some of our fellow users that come on and play. How is he disrespecting users you may ask? Well, gatormac23 is telling users "come tpa to me i am bored" Some users get tricked, I almost fell for the trick. I am informing you to help others not to get tricked by getting trapped. You can try to put a broadcast saying "Only /tpa to users you trust! You might get trapped into portal traps!" Or you can either find a way to detect if a user is near a portal block so it does not allow you to tp. For others who are trapped, you can refresh the creative game-mode so that the people who are trapped spawn in the spawn.

      4) This the evidence that I have.

      Thank You for reading my report.​
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    2. Awesomely28

      Awesomely28 Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      Do /invsee before tpaing to someone to see if they have portals turtleswagYOLO
    3. Dirty_Ninja

      Dirty_Ninja Guest

      Locking and Archiving.
      The player has been warned.
      Thank you for your report.
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